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The most important informations about the functioning of the Hungarian Pilgrim's Way:
In every year and day from 31 March to 15 November. The Way can be started with pilgrim's passport from any basic point (signed on the general map). Information: r.moni86@hotmail.com The route leads mostly on hiker path and dirt road or surfaced road. The Way can be accomplished with the help of the maps can be downloaded from the webpage and the painted (yellow arrow with double cross) signs.

Pilgrim's passport: Pilgrim's passport is needed to resort the pilgrim's accommodations on discounted prices. The list of etaps and accommodations can be found on our webpage. 
After 100 km pilgrimage on foot proved by the pilgrim's passport, pilgrim's certificate can be claimed. 

The duration of the pilgrimage: It is not required to accomplish the way continously. The complete way can be walked along in months or years. To feel the effect of the way we suggest to walk a week.  15-25 days are needed to accomplish the complete way. 

The Hungarian Pilgrim's Way is a Christian spiritualized way. The way of friendship, peace, love, immersion and calming. It helps the physical, mental and spiritual regeneration. The accomplishment of the way is hard and sometimes requires tolerance. 

The pilgrim's passport provides possibility but not right within the limits of the conditions, in order of arrival to stay at the pilgrim's accommodations which have continually growing capacity. Every participant walk along the way of own free will, at own responsibility and everybody have to ensure for own board. Start the way just in case you accept the principles mentioned above. Certainly we try to give every help to achieve your aim, and to have a share in good influences of pilgrimages. 

The Hungarian Pilgrim's Way leads from Esztergom to Máriagyűd along native holy places (places with special atmosphere). It can be the base of international pilgrim's way between Czestochowa and Medugorje. The network of the pilgrim's accommodations in 20-35 km distance from each other and the signed, 'painted' route give the physical embodiment of the way. The route which is based on traditions mostly leads on dirt roads, hiker paths, but it reaches the cenres of the intermediate settlements. The lenght of the pilgrim's way is 420 km. The half of the way is highland, the other half is plain. It leads through the Pilis, the Kiskunsági National Park and the Mecsek. The accommodations are cheap, puritan, group accommodations developed and operated with municipal, ecclesiastical and civilian collaboration. In the course of time private accommodations will appear along the way, and the system will become self-supported. The complete lenght of the way can be accomplished in more parts in few years as well. According to our experiences a week pilgrimage is needed to feel the effect of the way, which cannot be defined exactly in advance. It is hard to introduce and make other people understand the philosophy of the way. Though the way can have different meanings to defferent people, we believe that it's moral and mental clearing, arranging influence is unarguable. The pilgrim's way can be walked through without any (religious, ideological, colour of skin, etc) differentiation by anybody who accepts the rules of the operation. In consideration of that the mental recreation and refreshment are guaranteed, and the accomplishment of the way doesn't cost more than people spend themselves at home, we are sure that it will become popular. 

We develop the pilgrim's accommodations with the help of the Hungarian Pilgrim's Way Municipality Association. The following settlements are network basic points (where accommodations are available from the beginning): Esztergom, Dobogókő, Pilisszántó, Pilisszentiván, the XII. és XXII. districts of Budapest, Szigetszentmiklós, Dabas, Ráckeve, Dunavecse, Harta, Kalocsa, Fajsz, Szekszárd, Ófalu, Pécsvárad, Hosszúhetény-Püspökszentlászló, Pécs, Máriagyűd.

The coordinators of the way: Esztergom-Budapest: Rudolf Bognár.  Budapest: Éva Szabó-Kalmár, László Szabó.  Budapest-Szekszárd: Imre Rumi.  Szekszárd-Máriagyűd: Rudolf Bognár.

Have a nice journey! Imre Rumi, president of Hungarian Pilgrim's Way Association
Zoltán Kőszegi, president of Hungarian Pilgrim's Way Municipality Association